アレックス・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(alexjohnson89) - 3月2日 08時14分

The Swoop is a project no more!!!
I stuck this move for the first time ever on Friday and took it to the top. This was my baby; I found it and cleaned it, raised it from an egg, and it's an absolutely incredible feeling to have it come to life. Two days cleaning and making it safe, and four days trying it. Easy, technical intro moves in the dihedral take you out to a crimp on a ledge, setting you up for the jump to a slopey rail. Anyone taller than me will think it's a cakewalk. Anyone shorter... Let's start the bidding around V10 for this one? |@spray_spray_spray photo.|
Special thanks to @katiann84 @libertyherring @xchrissimmonsx @dbjphoto @seth__robinson
@ザ・ノースフェイス @evolvusa @nicrosclimbingwallsystems @goalzero @organicclimbing @protecathletics @jtreelife @gnarlynutrition @Smith @frictionlabs


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