キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月23日 08時27分

Be strong without losing your softness. True strength is both steady and compassionate. If you find yourself being punitive towards yourself in your physical training, forcing yourself to hold poses too long, speaking harshly to yourself or others, or doing anything really with an unloving intention or vibe then it's not the true spiritual strength of the yoga path. What is sometimes hard to understand is that flexibility is often the foundation for strength, sort of like an open heart is the foundation for courage. Physically you can't reach the vertical line in handstands if your shoulders aren't open enough. Emotionally, you cannot fully embrace life and surrender if you're locking down and protecting yourself from the possibility of getting hurt. And you cannot live a peaceful life if you're so focused on your goal that you're unaware of the potential negative impact your actions might have on others. Being strong is not about holding the pose at all costs. Life is not about winning at all costs. Be strong enough to be kind, be generous, be compassionate, be peaceful, be loving. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #OneBreathAtATime Photo by Coni Hörler / www.chphotography.ch Wearing: @ALO Yoga


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