キャセイパシフィック航空のインスタグラム(cathaypacific) - 2月12日 20時18分

Emmy – CX 261 to Paris: With every trip comes the opportunity to change your life. That’s why I love travelling. A year ago I went to Paris for a working holiday. A week before my flight, I still hadn’t found anywhere to live, so ended up having to share a flat with some guy I found online. The flat was in the dreaded 20th district, and he was sloppy looking. Who would have thought we’d end up falling in love?! In the end we were together for more than six months when my visa expired. We went from seeing each other every day to long-distance. It’s been four months now, and I’m seeing him again in just 12 hours! His gift isn’t finished yet, but I don’t think he’ll mind. For me, travelling used to be for discovering new things. Now I just want to see someone familiar. #cathaypacific #atthegate #lifewelltravelled

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