キャセイパシフィック航空のインスタグラム(cathaypacific) - 2月5日 20時01分

Hairul – CX727 to Kuala Lumpur: I’m flying to Kuala Lumpur today for my dad’s 70th. It’ll be great being back, especially reconnecting with old friends. When I was younger a lot of people I knew worked for airlines and they would return home talking about all the exotic places they’d seen. So for me travel is about getting away and seeing the world, trying new foods and meeting different people. Time is short, so you need to really make the most of it. And as soon as I arrive at the airport I know it’s time to celebrate and wind down, that’s why I’m drinking champagne at lunch time! #cathaypacific #atthegate #lifewelltravelled


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



