スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 1月3日 06時02分

Andean bear mom Billie Jean continues to take excellent care of her 7-week-old cubs, both of which appear to be healthy and growing bigger by the day. Billie Jean has access to three dens: the den where she gave birth to the cubs, and an adjacent den with a window that looks out onto the outdoor enclosure. Mom will carry the cub around the dens, give it a peek out of the window, and bring it back to the den to be with its sibling. How do we tell the cubs apart? The cub pictured has a narrow patch of light-colored fur between its eyes and a “teardrop” beneath its right eye. The other cub has a longer and wider patch of light fur between its eyes and no marking beneath. #WeSaveSpecies #Squee

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