キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月27日 23時25分

To be a student you need a teacher, a guide, someone to lead you beyond your known world. To be a student you have to surrender your ego, be willing to admit that you're not perfect, that you don't know the way, that you need help and that you can't do it all on your own. I'm stubborn and strong willed and I don't let go so easily--anyone else like that out there? But fifteen years of practice have taught me that it's better to leave the ego broken than try to patch it back together and hold onto a false sense of self. Real strength comes from surrender, not from building your ego up. Don't try to fix your broken heart, just let the light start to seep into the darkness through all the cracks in the veneer of the small self. One day the radiant pure light of the true self will shine so brightly that it's all you'll be able to see. #BeStrong #practiceandalliscoming #onebreathatatime Video @alesigismondi


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