ダニエル・ウッズのインスタグラム(dawoods89) - 12月5日 00時27分

The last couple of months have been kind of a blur. Constant travel, changing of time zones, unstable diet, and lack of climbing/ motivation have all compiled to disrupting personal health and happiness. We all go through personal ups and downs then make the decision to have a change. I was planning on going to Bishop in the next couple of days but decided to postpone the trip until January. I made it a priority to detox at home and gain confidence and sanity. I have not trained in months and am motivated to work with @teamof2training and @csande13 climbing like mad in the gym and seeing what the body can withstand. The next few weeks will be mainly spent inside preparing for Bishop. I've always learned that if you want to go big and achieve something great, you gotta suffer just a bit ?... Shit don't just come easy ya know ?
@ザ・ノースフェイス @sanukfootwear @lasportivana @petzl_official @organicclimbing @gognarly @giddyorganics #mountainathletics


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