キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月26日 01時41分

Yoga seeks to give you direct access to the kind of slow steady spiritual resolve that can only come from connecting deeply with the authentic self. The purpose of increasingly difficult asanas and transitions is the very challenge that the present. You don’t know who are until you’re tested by stressful circumstances. It’s easy to be happy and peaceful when everything goes your way, but how you respond to difficulty reveals your true character. Yoga needs to have an element of challenge because life is sometimes hard. Yoga seeks to retrain your neurological response to stress so that you can be peaceful amidst the inevitable vicissitudes of life. The goal of yoga is the inner experience of strength, courage, hope and love that you experience when you face yourself at your deepest level. Practice asana with non-attachment, show up and give your full attention to your practice while releasing your attachment to the results of your effort. Some people criticize me for posting advanced asana when I talk about the inner journey of yoga as the purpose of practice. But the spiritual intention of practice does not mean that you don’t try challenging or difficult asanas or that you just do things that are relaxing. It means that you have to be stronger #onebreathatatime
#bestrong #practiceandalliscoming
Video by @agpadovani


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