ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月23日 02時57分

@Robert Clark
“The sight of a Feather in a Peacock’s tail, whenever I gaze on it, makes me sick!” This is a quote from #CharlesDarwin in a letter to his friend #AsaGray in 1860. Gray the American botanist who was instrumental in the unifying taxonomic knowledge of the plants of North America.

What the letter is referring to is #Darwin’s effort to understand the purpose of peacocks #feathers. It was #AlfredRusselWallace, the co-author of The Theory of Evolution via Natural Selection (in 1859), who helped Darwin understand the importance of sexual attraction.

The male peacock is most well known for it’s enormous tail feathers that fanout behind the bird. This colorful display is thought to be used for both mating and defense purposes. The male peacock attracts the female to mate by showing off his array of elaborate feathers, and when the male peahen feels threatened, he will fan out his tail in order to make himself look larger and therefore trying to intimidate approaching predators. Peacock’s can be many different colors.

@thephotosociety @instituteArtist


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