unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 9月19日 06時00分

“My child is sick. I don’t know the problem.” Habiba holds her 7-month-old daughter Suleeqa in the reopened maternal and child health clinic in the town of Hudur in #Somalia’s Bakool Region. She walked more than 7 kilometres from her village, in scorching heat, to bring her daughter to the health facility. Medical staff at the clinic suspect that Suleeqa has #measles, which has affected some 7,000 Somali children this year. The highly contagious disease is a leading cause of death among young children worldwide, especially those under the age of 5. #UNICEF is bringing measles #vaccines and other vital supplies to Hudur and other newly accessible areas via emergency airlifts. #Promise4Children #Vaccineswork © UNICEF/NYHQ2014-1526/Makundi


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