unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 9月13日 04時03分

Aya Abu Asi, 11, stands by a blackboard in the school shelter in Gaza City where her displaced family now lives. She’s holding her drawing showing her view of #Gaza in the future. Aya’s home was destroyed during heavy bombardment. Her drawing shows a Palestinian flag on the roof a house, and birds, flowers, trees and clouds in a clear sky. Aya says the worst thing about war is “the people who got killed in the street.” She stays inside the shelter or its courtyard at all times. Set to enter the 6th grade this year, she is sad that her #school remains closed because of the conflict. She hopes that her family will be able to live in safety in the future. © UNICEF/NYHQ2014-1443/d'Aki #UNICEF #Palestine


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