シェマー・ムーアのインスタグラム(shemarfmoore) - 7月11日 05時54分

Me and Funny Short Man n Homie... @ケビン・ハート last week in Miami... He's shooting the sequel RIDE ALONG 2 out there... we known each other for 15 years.. I'm TRULY HAPPY for ALL HIS SUCCESS... BUT... HE GOT TO TALKING SH*T about how he was once a "Junior Olympic" Swimmer... So he jumped in the pool like a Tiny Weeny Dolphin... And then I proceeded to KICK HIS LITTLE SPLASHING ASS!!! There's a video to prove it!!! ........ Kevin, I DARE YOU n CHALLENGE you to REDEEM YOURSELF?!!!! Let's show the public what it is for real... this time we'll Both wear goggles so you can see where you're going!!!!! Let's call Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, TMZ, YOUR MOMMA, whoever.... Prove it once n for all.... It's on you Kevin!! You can OUT FUNNY ME all day everyday.. But YOU AINT OUT SWIMMING ME!!!! ??????????


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