レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 7月4日 07時04分

My grandmother is dying. There is so much space in between each one of her breaths right now and I know what this means. It's her last moments in this form and she is breathing like I do when I'm on my yoga mat except I control it and she does not and the mere idea of this and how connected life and death can be is too big for me to understand.

Driving over there this evening this moment happened. It was 10pm and even though I'm Swedish the brightness of the night still surprises me. 10pm and the sun burst through the trees like a ball of fire and for a little while everything turned golden. I looked at the picture afterwards and saw the little orb in the sky and I knew that this time it's real. She is really dying. There is an orb in the sky and everything is golden and it's 10pm and my mothers mother is dying. I know in a way we are all dying but we are so busy living that life distracts us from the thought of our time on this earth and how fleeting it is.
This is a truth: my Mormor is the reason that I am. Lying in her bed now she is so thin but her feet are warm and there are strawberries from my aunts garden on her bedside. I feel calm and sad and all I can think is I got married on Saturday and now it's Thursday and my grandmother has so much space between each one of her breaths and 2014 is the year when everything happened at the same time


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
