Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 6月7日 16時15分

Sorry I'm late! But I can't let the day go by without posting this. Happy birthday to a very very special person to me! My brother, @luisortegagarcia. Thank you for making my entire life a whole lot lighter and for consistently being there for me in the best and worst times. You have no idea how much you've helped me in discovering my own strength and determination. You're one of the reasons why I learned to fight through everything, and I promise that, in time, we will both get to where we want to be, and we will be there together. You mean more to me, and to everyone, than you could ever know. We just don't tell you kasi baka magpabili ka nanaman ng sapatos. Jk! Hahaha We all love you, Luis! And Ate will always ALWAYS be here for you. ?❤️


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