ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 6月4日 03時50分

Chris Ward is currently on a mini-tour of the East Coast with …Lost co-founder and shaper Matt "Mayhem" Biolos. As if Chris isn't interesting enough they brought along Rock-N-Roll surfboard builders @tunnelvisionsc for your musical entertainment. The whole crew will be stopping @surfcitysurfshop/@annexsurfsupply in Wrightsville Beach tonight, @catalystmb (June 4th), @nomadsurfshop (June 5th) and @bcsurfandsport (June 6th). Mayhem will be taking custom orders one-on-one at each location. Every …Lost board sold (stock or custom) gets $100 off + a free pair of …Lost boardshorts. Plus food and giveaways. Here's what Chris did last time he was on the East Coast. The waves probably won't be as crazy this time but Chris surely will be. @mayhemb3_mattbiolos @psycho_ward137 @lostsurfboards @arnette #HurricaneSandy #PumpHouse #TheMostInterestingSurferInTheWorld #ShapersNight #LostClothing #LostEnterprises #WardStories


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