ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 5月31日 02時21分

Come to @hansensurfboards in Encinitas today from 4 PM - 7 PM for “Shapers Night”. Talk with …Lost co-founder and shaper Matt “Mayhem” Biolos about surfboard design, tech and function. CAD design your next board one-on-one with Mayhem. Every new ...Lost board sold (stock or custom) gets $100.00 off and a pair of …Lost boardshorts. Chris Ward says he could possibly show up too. Pick his brain on last minute plane flight options and Brazilian taxi rides. Plenty of #ResinWorks and team boards on display. We will also have a taco cart on hand making complimentary tacos (while supplies last). Adult beverages provided by @coronadobrewing (while supplies last). Best of all: free …Lost gear for the groms (also while supplies last). @mayhemb3_mattbiolos@lostsurfboards #LostEnterprises #ShapersNight#HansenSurfboards #ChrisWard


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