アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 6月1日 00時19分

It breaks my heart that this is the first race of yours I'm missing out on. If it weren't for work, you know I'd be there in a heartbeat to be your #1 cheerleader. Goodluck today Mon Amour! I know you're going to do an awesome job and have fun at the same time! Go make me proud in Hawaii love! I'll be there at the finish line waiting for you, like I always am... this time... in spirit! ? Please be safe!!! Wooohoooo go kill it at Kona! Je t'aime mon amour! For me, you'll always be my #1 Ironman!!! -Your #1 Cheerleader @erwanjheussaff

To all my followers and kababayans in Hawaii who are watching Ironman 70.3 today, when you see #1825 cheer him on for me!!!! Pleeeeeease! Heard it's a killer course! They will need all the encouragement they can get! Thank you!!!!! ???


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