コートニー・ヒックスのインスタグラム(courtneynhicks) - 3月26日 09時40分

#day25 #50facts
1. @maddie_figuresk8er I know Gracie, polina, Ashley, Jason, Felicia/Nate and Meryl/Charlie.
2. @sjskates I've always used SP Teris, but I've been having a few problems with them during the last season, so I'm trying Jackson's soon.
3. @rcallanan_13 my favorite jump is triple flip.
4. My favorite spin is my Twhicks pretzel.
5. @ssimplyamanda always spills my coffee on Sundays
6. My favorite female skater is Yuna Kim.
7. My favorite male skater is nobunari oda.
8. @phoebewangg is my main homie lol
9. I love stormy weather.
10. My favorite long program that I've had is my 2014 Evita program.
11. My favorite short program was my 2013 Korobushka program.
12. My favorite country that I've visited is Slovenia.
13. I also loved Korea.
14. My favorite nationals was in Greensboro, NC.
15. Omaha nationals was awesome too.
16. I can't wait to go back to Greensboro this season.
17. It's really hard coming up with 50 facts.
18. I love patty melts.
19. And frozen yogurt
20. And pineapple...can't forget about the pineapple.
21. Coffee is beautiful
22. I love climbing trees
23. I enjoy doing just about everything outdoors.
24. I love violins and wish I could play.
25. I also wish I could play piano.


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