ロブ・ディアデックのインスタグラム(robdyrdek) - 12月2日 23時58分

MUST READ! I have not read a book cover to cover in a long time.The great Russ Pillar, a business mentor of mine, gave me this book on Thanksgiving.At first I was put off by the title.It felt manufactured and quite frankly I had lost connection with who @beingmarcecko was or ultimately why I would have any interest in his story . Boy oh boy was I wrong and mislead.This book is just so much more than I ever expected.Not only is it an amazing story of the American dream and a true pioneer but there is so much insightful real knowledge in this book.To any one who dreams of being an entrepreneur or for those who live the chaos of entrepreneurship this is a must read.Especially all of you in the chaos that is "street wear" Respect to @beingmarcecko a true artist .


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