ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 11月22日 05時01分

R.I.P. to young Tyler Woods un-armed & gunned down in cold blood by the Long Beach Police early Tuesday morning on the roof an apartment building.... I seen this story in the news & countless times on my timeline but had no idea that this was the same Tyler whom is the son of @lovetiffney's best friend Tyra Woods until Tyra called Tiffney this am distraught & devastated that her only son was taken from her at 19 years of age by a corrupt department who had another fatal shooting not even a week before this murder. How is it that police take an oath to protect & serve but abuse their power & murder innocent people in our streets throughout America ?!?!? & what do we do as a people ?! Sit back & watch, wait for someone to take action until the next time ?!?!? Naw, FUCK THIS SHIT..... It's time to FIGHT BACK (not with weapons) but with UNITY & Righteousness. Stand the fuck up & be a voice for all of us, young & old so that these senseless killings may cease immediately..... I'm going to reach out to the family to see what's needed & what can be done to spread this story as Trayvon Martin's murder was in hopes that it will save as much as our youth as possible.. I don't ask for much but can you PLEASE #Repost this picture & tag #JUSTICE4TYLER for his mother, family & especially for the toddler son left to grow up without his father....... Fucking shame !!!! #JUSTICE4TYLER


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