レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 8月16日 01時02分

Life lessons: ?You get what you need, not what you want.
?The universe will never give you anything you can't handle.
?There is so much love within every single one of us, it's difficult to grasp. So much love. Love is always here. It can never be lost.
?Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Risk getting your heart broken. It's worth it.
?The earth is part of us, as much as we are a part of it. Caring for nature means caring for ourselves.
?Move past your fears. They are here for you to learn. Let go, and only love remains.
?Separación no existe. Es una ilusión creado de la mente, por miedo de ser abandonado. Todos somos UNO.

#yogaeverydamnday caption from my notes during my last trip to Costa Rica earlier this year. Felt the need to revisit this wisdom.
It's a good day to meditate on love.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
