ジェナ・マローンのインスタグラム(jenamalone) - 8月10日 04時26分

Ladies! Women! Girls! My lovely new fan base of youth and femininity! So much talk about beauty in Instagram! But true beauty is more then an image that captures a moment. We wake as women bloated. And red in the face. And feel astranged from our bodies each and every moment. True beauty lies within your spirit. Your light! Your indepenace! Your laugh!! Your wit! Don't let looking in the mirror define how you feel about yourselves. Love yourself first. Accept yourself. Then look in the mirror and laugh at this funny ever changing creature before you!! Sendin love and light across the interweb today. #loveasbigasmountains


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



