レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 6月4日 23時36分

Find your strength. Know that you have the power to create a beautiful life for yourself, any life you want, but to do so you need to stop living from your head and start living from your heart. You are not a victim of your life circumstances but rather a very powerful being with a choice. Do you choose to invite happiness into your life? Or do you choose to hold on to the conditioning of your past? The choice is always yours. You hold all the tools. When you truly decide it's time to let go, the simple joy of living freely will help you realize your own power. Let go. Let everything go. Let go of regrets from the past and expectations of the future. Let go of judgment. Let go of any ideas you have of what life "should" be like. Life "shouldn't" be anything. It just is. Life is. Life is, because of love. You are, because you love. So love freely. When you surrender to the present moment, when you live from your heart, you are able to manifest anything you want. All the love. All the abundance. All the wonderful, magical, indescribable experiences this world have to offer... Life is waiting for you. Love is waiting for you. Don't waste your time. The time is now. What do you choose?

Photography by the amazing @aleairene


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