メトロポリタン美術館のインスタグラム(metmuseum) - 11月14日 01時45分

As in the present, artists in the 1930s were intent on reaching the widest possible audience, illuminating the social ills of their day and inspiring hope in the future.⁣

This ca. 1940 painting by Dox Thrash, a Black American artist, is a rare depiction of people of color organizing and participating in a labor strike in the 1930s. The scarcity of such imagery is likely in part due to the frequent denial of union membership to workers of color. ⁣

The crowd holds signs that protest high living costs, World War II, and the Scottsboro Boys trial, in which nine Black youths were falsely accused of raping two White women in Alabama in 1931. Thrash’s inclusion of the placard in support of the Scottsboro Boys demonstrates an interest in fighting both racial and labor discrimination, shared by many activists of the time.⁣

See this and more in “Art for the Millions: American Culture and Politics in the 1930s,” on view through December 10.⁣

🎨 Dox Thrash (American, 1893–1965). Untitled (Strike), ca. 1940. Watercolor. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. #ArtForTheMillions


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