要潤さんのインスタグラム写真 - (要潤Instagram)「〝7人の侍〟1ヶ月半の東京公演を終えた。 今日のお客さんの拍手はこれまでの集大成のような拍手を頂けた。  このご時世に1日も休園することなく最後まで駆け抜けられたのは、みんなのプロ意識とお客さんからの熱い支持があったからに違いない。  今朝の今朝まで演技プランに関しての議論は続いていた。もっとこの劇を良くしたいという皆んなの想い。あくなき探究心。  さ、京都もこの勢いでやりきるぞ。  みんな用意はいい?  ``Seven Samurai'' has finished its one and a half month performance in Tokyo. The applause from the audience today felt like a culmination of all the work we had done so far. The reason we were able to make it all the way to the end without having to close a single day in this day and age is undoubtedly due to everyone's professionalism and the passionate support of our customers. Discussions regarding acting plans continued until this morning. Everyone's desire to make this play even better. An insatiable spirit of inquiry.   Well, Kyoto can do it with this momentum.   Is everyone ready?  #レイディマクベス #天海祐希 #adamcooper #鈴木保奈美 #栗原英雄 #宮下今日子 #吉川愛 #要潤」11月12日 20時24分 - jun_kaname_official

要潤のインスタグラム(jun_kaname_official) - 11月12日 20時24分






``Seven Samurai'' has finished its one and a half month performance in Tokyo. The applause from the audience today felt like a culmination of all the work we had done so far. The reason we were able to make it all the way to the end without having to close a single day in this day and age is undoubtedly due to everyone's professionalism and the passionate support of our customers. Discussions regarding acting plans continued until this morning. Everyone's desire to make this play even better. An insatiable spirit of inquiry.

Well, Kyoto can do it with this momentum.

Is everyone ready?


[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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