クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 10月19日 03時19分

When I was a new @The New Yorker reader there was one cat who caught my attention because he musically thought like me——-meet #BenGreenman writer, author, musicologist.

He has collaborated on the memoirs of #GeneSimmons #SimonCowell #GeorgeClinton #MarielHemingway #LittleSteven & I loved writing with him so much he worked on all 6 of my jawns.

Upon first meeting I asked what would his dream project be and without pause he said Sly——which at the time (10 years back, no pun intended) seemed like a pipe dream at the time. He just finished George Clinton’s book and he found somewhat of an ice cube’s chance in hell connection with someone who knew someone that knew someone that might know someone who knew Sly.

lol look at us now——10 years later achieving something NONE of us truly knew could be a reality.

So we decided 11th hour to do a quickie one on one convo about Sly’s new memoir and music in general.

#ThankYouFalettinMeBeMiceElfAgin (hell of a mondegreen) is released & an amazing read of Sly’s life!

@qls #QuestloveSupreme #SlyAndTheFamilyStone #SlyStone #BenGreenman #Pfunk #EttaJames #GeorgeClinton


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