ミシェル・モナハンのインスタグラム(michellemonaghan) - 9月18日 03時25分

Today marks a very special day, a very special birthday.

About 20 years ago, one weary night, after living with chronic eczema, my husband @myherbitual said to me "One day I wanna help anyone suffering in their own skin." I’ll admit, at the time, even knowing the plight that he’d endured for years, I was like, "ok, that’s a really nice sentiment and all”, but never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate his perseverance, his personal desperation and his desire to make that dream a reality. Little did I know that his life long struggle would ultimately be his PURPOSE.

Cut to 20 years later, this very year, he made that "notion" a reality - for himself and for everyone whose lives he’d hope to touch! @myherbitual has launched! 💫

Today, I stand in awe of my hubby’s commitment to his health and of others. I celebrate his birthday but ultimately his journey, one that I, and our children have been witness to, every step (and scratch ;) of the way. The pride we have for our beloved dude is infinite. 23 years of careers, kiddos, dreams, dance floors and beaches, he’s our GOAT. #iykyk

Join me in wishing Pete a happy birthday and follow along @myherbitual to learn more about @likesbywhite journey, and the healing benefits of this very special cream. I’m biased of course but this stuff is magic. Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday, full of peace and rest. We’ll be over here eating cake! 🫶 #virgoseason #eczema #dreambig


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




