ミシェル・モナハンのインスタグラム(michellemonaghan) - 8月26日 02時41分

Happy Friday! 🤩 Please, please consider reading all the way to the end. Film and TV Production Assistants, or PAs as we call them, are our industry’s unsung heroes - the first crew members on set and the last to leave, oftentimes working 16+ hour days, and most important to note, getting paid the least. PAs are an integral, vital part of our community - navigating actors’ personal and creative needs while also making sure our production days run smooth and timely (and yes, a standard production work day is a minimum of 12+ hours). Despite the daily grind, PAs are never without a hustling spirit. They are energetic, curious, and possess a deep passion for the industry. However, PAs are wholly under-valued, underpaid and as such, many PAs are currently not eligible for on-going strike benefits for loss of wages.

If you’re in this industry - I’m calling on all producers, directors, executives, writers and actors - to please join me and consider donating to this fundraiser started by non-profit @goforpasalliance to help PAs cover the lack of wages due to our current strike. I know funds are tight so if you’re financially unable, please tag your favorite PAs you’ve worked with and give them a shout out. 💓 I love this industry deeply and am grateful to be a part of it and we all deserve to thrive within it. #insolidarity. Let’s #spreadkindness
🫶 #linkinbio


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