ジェニファー・ガーナーのインスタグラム(jennifer.garner) - 5月8日 08時01分

#TheLastThingHeToldMe was powered by women, starting with our author, @lauradaveauthor, our executive producers/producers @リース・ウィザースプーン @laurenneu @merrieats @jamieeros @astrumwa @josie_craven @ayeshcube. On top of this— every frame of every episode was directed by these brilliant women:
1. @livinewman - ⭐️Our Fearless Leader⭐️ (Episodes 1, 2, 7) We love you, Livi!
2. #DenizErgven -🎨 L’Artiste🎨 (Episodes 3, 4)
3. @dzmayer - 👊The Badass👊 (Episode 5)
4. #LilaNeugebauer - ✨The Maestra ✨(Episode 6)
@jsinger10 - may be a man, but he is so awesome I am including him here. He’s a brilliant writer (GO @writersguildwest @wgaeast, nothing happens without WRITERS) and led our show with tireless exactitude and an open heart. He is the world’s best fan and has a gift for lifting up women around him —starting with his wife, Laura Dave, to our directors and finally @angourierice and me. ♥️


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
Sarah Kohanさんがフォロー
