ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月6日 01時38分

Video by Pete McBride @pedromcbride | Water is Life: The Colorado River Delta, now mostly dry, has always been a place of intrigue and wonder to me.

The river that created this estuary has left behind a cracked wasteland; high tides from the Gulf of California move in as if looking for a long-lost freshwater friend. What results is a hauntingly beautiful web of veinlike drainages—a reminder that Mother Nature is a gifted artist.

I recently spent two weeks looking at every angle of the delta—agriculture, wildlife, urbanization, power, conservation, and more—for a new project. I’m amazed at how we’ve turned the mighty Colorado River into little more than a plumbing system. The sins of our deeds on this watershed are clearly visible at its end. Thanks to @lighthawk_org for providing an aerial view in conservation efforts. For more on the Colorado River, follow @pedromcbride


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