テレザ・カサロヴァのインスタグラム(terezakacerova) - 4月17日 14時25分

Today I rolled up at my friend’s farm crying, saying to myself (and him) that I’m tired of being God’s strongest soldier… AND THEN ALL THESE BUTTERFLIES STARTED LANDING ON ME!!! Like multiples at the same time, on skin with sunscreen and skin with no sunscreen and white shirt and dark denim… and he said they weren’t there till then and then other people came and the butterflies were still weirdly pretty much mostly only on me… And I think that was the Universe letting me know it’s not given up on me. It’s just throwing me these curve balls so I can create something great… Then I cried again anyway but now we good. ✅ … 😁😁😁


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



