佐藤マクニッシュ怜子のインスタグラム(reikoofficial) - 4月5日 23時16分

【THANK YOU】 @amaterasjapan
5 years ago, right out of college I launched @amaterasjapan
It started off from the curiousity of a college girl and purely out of passion; it’s still what keeps me going everyday.

I will never forget the day when I sold my first kimono robe, when we first got our own office, our own warehouse, every POPUP store that keeps getting bigger every year, every unique collaborations we’ve done, when celebrities started wearing my designs, and so many more unforgettable memories that made me and AMATERAS where we are now.

Entrepreneurship with inventory business was never an easy road to take for a 22 year old girl lol but one thing I know I did right is that I never gave up. You have no idea how many times I wanted to blame on myself, scream my head off, or run away, but every time I came back stronger by realizing how of an amazing people I have in life that supports me and AMATERAS.

As of April, AMATERAS is celebrating 5th year. We’ll be doing many events and campaigns to celebrate this year and we’ll continue to grow in 2023.

Thanks to my team for believing in me. Thank you friends and family to always support me when I need you guys. Thank you for all the people that follows me and AMATERAS for supporting us through our journey.



今だから言えるけど、実は最初は大学生の時住んでたマンションの一室で、段ボールの中で寝たり自分で商品詰めて発送してたの😂 初めてのオフィスが持てた時、倉庫が持てた時、今までのPOPUPやコラボ、5星ホテルとのコラボが決まった時、海外セレブが着てくれた時、全部今でも思い出すと涙が出る。女だから舐められたり、信用してた人に騙されたり、仲間に裏切られたり、いい事ばかりじゃなくて大変な事もたくさん乗り越えて、鋼のメンタルも作れました😮‍💨

ビジネスの成り方だけでなく、喜怒哀楽いろんな感情ややりがいをAMATERASを通して学び、今40歳くらいの経験値と老けをいい意味で感じています(笑) 0から始めて、何もかもが新しくて、でも学んで努力して形になるのが楽しくて、永遠にそのループでその輪がどんどん大きくなってるのが成長なんだなって。AMATERASの成長は私の成長なんです。今はそれをシェアできるチームがいて、みんなにもこの楽しさと辛さを経験して私を越すくらい成長してほしいなって思ってます。



“My border has no borders, and the designs intertwine cultures”
- AMATERAS inc. CEO Reiko McNish Sato


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




