テリー・レオンのインスタグラム(tellyleung) - 3月23日 18時39分

First of all, a big “thank you” to the critic who had these kind words to say about my performance as “Sammy” in @allegiancebway. In my 20+ years in show business, I’ve learned these 2 valuable lessons: 1) if you read the good reviews, you gotta read the bad reviews, too - and there is a colorful & hysterical review that says I ham it up so much that he compares me to “pastrami”😂🐷 and 2) anyone who is a “real star in the making” knows that there have been countless hours of dedication, sacrifice, training, rejection, & heart break that no one ever sees or understands, except for the artist. It’s all part of the journey, and I wouldn’t trade any of it because it’s all part of the ebb & flow that makes us better artists. My former manager, Joan Sittenfield (who is reading this gleefully & sipping champagne in heaven), used to say: “it’s a marathon, not a sprint”, and that means that rise to stardom is SLOW with many bumps along the way. Only 16 shows left for me as I close out this chapter of my artistry that I started 13 years ago, so come and see me at @charingcrossthr! (Photo by @danny_with_a_camera)


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