中鉢明子のインスタグラム(akiko_harlem) - 2月5日 14時37分

👺Happy Setsubun! 🫘(節分)Feb/03/2023
#Japaneseculture#setsubun #mom’s hand-made mask👹 #dad is👹 #newyork

長女は小さい時はよく泣いていましたが、桃太郎さんのように心強い仲間が増え鬼退治大成功という感じです🤭 #無病息災 #7歳4歳2歳 #マミーお手製の鬼の面 #鬼役はダディ #ニューヨーク #子育て

🤔🇯🇵What is Setsubun (節分)?
Setsubun literally means "seasonal division" and is a festival held on the day before the beginning of spring according to the Japanese lunar calendar. Rituals are held on this day to drive away evil spirits and welcome good fortune. Rituals vary throughout Japan, but one of the more common and well-known rituals is mamemaki (豆撒き, "bean throwing"). People throw roasted soybeans, or fukumame (福豆, "fortune beans"), out from the front door of their homes or shrines while shouting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外!福は内!, "Devils out! Fortune in!"). Often times, a family member will wear an oni (鬼, "demon or ogre") mask, acting as the devil while the rest of the family throw the beans. Afterwards, each individual will eat the number of beans that corresponds with their age.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



