ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月19日 00時06分

Hoary Marmot, Opabin Lake, Yoho National Park, Canada. Photo by @peteressick on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. In the middle of September, the hoary marmot goes on an eating binge. The preferred food for him or her is one particular grass that has gone to seed. This marmot grabbed the stem in one hand and slid the seeds through its teeth over and over again. The reason for the constant eating at this time of year is that in a couple of weeks the marmot will go into hibernation for the whole winter. Lots of animals hibernate, but the marmot has to go into a deep hibernation in order to survive the harsh Canadian winter. It's body temperature will h#go down to around 55F and it's heart will beat just a few times a minute. It is believed that the marmot may wake up a few times in the winter, bot most of the time it will be in a come -like state until the spring. It will then wake up to the beautiful high sub-alpine meadow that it calls home.


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