ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月18日 01時55分

Kiwetinok Lake, The President and The Vice President, Yoho National Park,Canada. The peaks were named for the president and vice president of the Canadian Railways. Photo by @peteressick on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. This photo was taken during a backpacking trip last week in the Little Yoho Valley with Paul Sylvestre, a local hiking guide. Paul is a French-Canadian who took a job in Banff 35 years ago and never left. He knows his flows and mushrooms and has been overall a great source for information and ideas about Yoho NP. He has a small-town friendly exterior, but on the inside is wound pretty tight. He eats healthy and sparingly, never gets tired and has strong opinions, especially about diet and exercise. It is hard to argue with his example. He has the same 29-inch waist he had in high school in Quebec, and at 55 is still one lean hiking machine. He seems to just glide down the trails.


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