シェネルのインスタグラム(chenelleworld) - 2月19日 11時08分

Our Lil “us” turned a month 2 weeks ago. Wanted to share these moments that were so precious to us. Although routine has been the same, diaper change, feed, sleep, and a whole bunch of kisses and tears, exhaustion, no sleep... she overfills my heart with love I’ve never felt before .. it’s a different kinda love that can only be explained when you actually experience having a child it’s the only kinda love that keeps me going each day through the unpredictability and unknowns.. it’s nuts.. and overwhelming in a good way lol ... we love you Santōsha..

#1monthbaby #1montholdbaby #santosha #newmama #newmommy #newmommylife


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