ハガーマガーのインスタグラム(huggermuggeryoga) - 2月13日 05時06分

Thich Nhat Han teaches that appreciation of our bodies—not only when we are experiencing pleasant sensations 🥰, but at the times when things are just going along as usual 🤷🏻‍♀️—can be a source of happiness. ✨💕😁 He says, “If we are not aware that we are happy, we are not really happy. 🚫 When we have a toothache, we know that not having a toothache is a wonderful thing. 🦷⚡️ But when we do not have a toothache, we are still not happy. A non-toothache is very pleasant.” We can practice gratitude for those times when we don’t have a toothache—or any other maladies.

Here are some ways you can practice gratitude 🙏💖 for the body you live in:

- According to the Mayo Clinic our hearts beat an average of 60 to 100 times per minute, which translates to 86,400 to 144,000 beats per day. ❤️⏱ If you’re reading this, your heart is doing just that. It, along with the estimated 23,000 breaths you take each day, are keeping you alive. Give your heart some gratitude.

- Your eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin allow you to enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations of our world. 👀👂👅 Of course, one or more of these senses may lose acuity over time. But you can appreciate them for the window they give you into the rest of the world all day long.

- Your nervous, digestive, circulatory, respiratory and reproductive systems all contribute to your body’s normal, healthy function. 🧠🫁🫀 Often we don’t pay much attention to the body until something goes wrong. Take time to acknowledge your body when it’s working right, not just when it’s giving you trouble.

- If you practice yoga, be grateful that you have the means to travel to a class, get onto the floor and get back up. 🚗🚶🏻‍♀️🚎🧘🏽 Be grateful that you get to experience the practice we all love through the body that gets you there.

- Give your body a nice, long Savasana after you practice. 🕗💤 It takes 10-15 minutes for your body to achieve physiological relaxation after physical activity. Savasana allows you to integrate the energies you cultivate in your asana practice. Give your body the time it needs to recover and replenish itself.

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