thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 2月10日 14時11分

Photograph by @andyparkinsonphoto/@thephotosociety

Birds in flight – Here are a selection of images showing various birds in flight. From the opening image of lightning fast puffins heading out to sea to lazy languid Canada geese coming in to land the possibilities with this style of photography are endless. If you’re witnessing repeatable behaviour, as I was one morning with some fulmars, then trying to incorporate some motion blur into your images will undoubtedly provide you both with some challenges, but also offer no end of creative possibilities. Birds that hover can always be really helpful when it comes to capturing successful images relatively easily, as seen with the symmetrical arctic tern or alternatively, images featuring birds in flight can convey an incredible sense of place, as with the gannet in flight over ferociously stormy seas. Birds taking off can be a really opportune moment to capture them airborne, as with the gannet, it’s wingtips almost brushing the water’s tranquil surface or they can include moments of humour such as the great skua having a stand-off with a belligerent sheep. Sticking with great skuas these images can also illustrate the ferocious territoriality of certain species, or in order to practice your techniques you can perhaps visit somewhere where opportunities are guaranteed, the red kite feeding centre at Gigrin farm in Mid Wales being perhaps the UK’s best known. Either way, in the early stages of your practice stick primarily to the central focussing point of your camera and then as your technique develops so can your creative possibilities and the use of some of the peripheral focusing points. 👍


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