トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月8日 18時46分

Rate my inner light out of 10 please? 🌟 It’s cold, damp, snowing and windy outside but I love wrapping up warm and going for a walk. Getting outside into the fresh air and embracing nature - whatever the weather - is an essential part of relaxation and the ability to destress. The easiest form of meditation is walking, removing yourself from the noise, clutter and tension of everyday life to step into nature, openness, freedom and fresh air. Breathe, be, focus on your steps and allow your mind to unwind and reset - you’ll feel far calmer and more able to return to your day after a nice 10minute walk for gentle exercise. Visualisation is also a powerful thing, to see what you want, focus upon it and bring it into fruition. In times of suffering, sadness and challenge we can all focus on the change that we desire, the enlightenment, hope and light at the end of the tunnel. When it is cold we must imagine heat, when you are afraid please imagine peace and when you are faced with obstacles imagine your ultimate success. We are fully in control of our own actions and mindset; let us fine-tune our skills and abilities to work with us rather than against us 🙏🏼 #mindset #mindfulness #oneness #meditation #visualisation
Photographer: @awimagez
MUA: @oliviawellbourne


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