セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 2月7日 10時44分

Late last year I had the opportunity to present one of Abarth’s new limited cars. At the time, I was challenged with limitations to come up with an interesting and new way to present the event during the covid period. The event was super successful. From that, Abarth asked me to be part of a series of the Scorpion Spirit webisode interviews they produce for Japan. I also had the honor of filming and working with Mr @kei.ogata.photo who is acclaimed photographer and short film producer. His work is great!!! This is all in all in Japanese and does not have any magic in it (sorry, that was intentionally planned this way) but I hope you enjoy this. Filmed in one day right after Christmas last year... It was freezing cold. But super happy the way it came out!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



