セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 2月3日 08時09分

Happy 2021 again everyone! Sorry I’ve been radio silent since last year. I’ve been in self quarantine these past two weeks from traveling overseas to the USA and now have returned back to Tokyo. Today, I am free to leave to go out again and I’m very excited. It’s a perfect beautiful day. Woke up at 6am and watched the sunrise!! However, Japan has just extended the “State of Emergency” until March 7th. What that means is that we all must still be extremely cautious while being out and about. This is NOT a lockdown… offices and businesses are still open... but everything shuts down early! For dinner, most restaurants will end by 8pm. Of course, there are convenient stores that are still open 24/7. Anyway, every country and or state has their own terms and we must all follow the guidelines and rules. Personally, I’m looking forward to eating out today…. I’m thinking Yakiniku! Mental health is also important… looking forward to returning to my exercise routine, a walk around the park, seeing some friends, etc. Again everyone… we still have a loooong way to go. Do your part and be cautious and safe! Wash your hands… don’t forget your masks! Be kind to one another! Have a great day!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



