Katrin Tanja Davidsdottirのインスタグラム(katrintanja) - 1月28日 02時39分

“GOOD” vs “BAD”.
I have a tendency to label things “good” or “bad”. I am quick to judge if I think that was a good training session or not. I wake up feeling “joyous” & have a great day or wake up feeling “anxious” & am in my head about it all day. I am very hard on myself on making sure I bring good energy to a room & get extremely frustrated with myself when I feel like I did anything less than that ..
But things. Just. ARE. 🤍 They are what they are & it’s only our own perception & judgement in that given moment of whether it’s good or bad. Instead of struggling to force things to go your own way, how about just EXPERIENCING that moment for exactly what it is.
We never know until later what a moment is. Some of my worst moments have brought me to my absolute favorite places. Sometimes my hardest training sessions have ended up teaching me the most & the lessons have been there for me when it truly counted. My most challenging months forced me to dig deep within myself & face some of my biggest struggles which enabled me to come into a greater, true-er, more peaceful version of myself.
Things might seem rough in the moment .. but it might be exactly the experience you NEED. ✨ I am working on that hindsight in present moment 😉 Experiencing this moment for what it is & taking the lesson with me for next time. (Or just wait it out & thank god that every day turns into a new day like I did yesterday heheh) // Hope you all are having THE most wonderful wednesday. xxx


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