ファーン・コットンのインスタグラム(fearnecotton) - 1月26日 02時07分

I’m not sure I would have had the gratitude I do for the simple moments prior to the shit show we’re living through. After a day of work I had a walk with Lola. It’s rare we get time with just the two of us as the two smalls are usually making a lot of noise nearby. Lola is online for most of the day after having just done her mocks so fresh air was needed. Crisp, crunchy ice and big blue skies. Never have I appreciated walks more. Also great appreciation for my step kids who have been in my life nearly ten years. (Often people I don’t know on insta question the terminology of ‘step’ children but it works for us. Our actual relationship surpasses words anyway) ending the day feeling grateful. What are you grateful for today?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




