thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 1月22日 23時11分

Photo by David Chancellor @chancellordavid / Talone and orphan elephant, Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, Mathews Range, northern Kenya - I think when you meet someone for the first time it’s relatively easy to assess immediately how you feel about them. This may change over time as we begin to share experiences; and let’s be honest our survival does not often now depend on us getting this right. Maybe we’ve lost the ability to ignore our initial feelings and now just override them as politeness as society requires, so that we don’t simply turn on our heels when our instincts are telling us to do exactly that. Working in the environment that I do, one starts to recover some of these instincts for sure. An elephant, or a cat, can suddenly just not feel right and you’re always wise to listen to this voice. I do meet people who I simply want to get past or away from as quickly as possible. It’s usually something in the eyes. I don’t think wildlife on the other hand has lost this ability. So although hormones, in the case of elephants, can bring up the ‘red mist’ during times of musth, under normal circumstances we should be able to read wildlife body language and make a relatively informed decision on how to behave in their presence. When I see wildlife react consistently in a particular way when faced with the same individual, it utterly fascinates me. An elephant especially can sense an extraordinary amount of our emotions and respond accordingly. As can cats, particularly lions. As a photographer, it can be fascinating when working with someone who has an innate ability to connect with wildlife. Which brings me to this image taken @r.e.s.c.u.e. There is a connection here well beyond the amazing work that they do; it’s reciprocal, and it’s also undiluted by societal constraints. It’s not complicated, it’s what needs to be done, and it’s instinctive, something to be celebrated 🖤 to see more follow me here @chancellordavid @thephotosociety @ナショナルジオグラフィック


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