デイヴ・ナヴァロのインスタグラム(davenavarro) - 1月11日 02時02分

Thanks to @mikegarson @studiodog and the rest of the team and artists who made last night possible. What an amazing way to celebrate @デヴィッド・ボウイ on his birthday. If you missed the show it should be streaming until 6pm tonight. Link in bio. My personal favorite moment was @treznor @mariqueenmaandigrez and @atticusxo doing a really great version of “Fashion”. So many to name, also loved @lenarockerhall and @ジー・ヘイル and @duranduran and #billycorgan/ @smashingpumpkins and of course @perryfarrellofficial and @ettylaufarrell - thanks also to @chrischaneybass @コリィ・テイラー and @taylorhawkinsofficial AND to @リッキー・ジャーヴェイス for the intro!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



