アシュリー・ハートのインスタグラム(ashleyhart) - 1月8日 03時52分

Throw'n it back on Thursday..
@ジェシカ・ハート for @elleaus
And having some deep reflective (coffee) thoughts ~ brought to you by @yeti & @bluestonelane 🥰
Today I am reflecting on change and how it is the only constant in life, the one thing that always brings about progress, evolution, new birth and creation. Yet more often than not, it's one of the most challenging aspects of life to go through.

Imagine if we lived each moment embracing the passing of time, and enthusiastic about what's being birthed in that same moment. Peacefully letting go and being born a new, this moment, then this moment, and then this one.

Sounds lovely doesn't it?!? Why do we find it so hard? Maybe it's reflecting a of lack of trust in something bigger than ourselves?!?

I’ve really come to believe that when we embrace change, practice non attachment, let go with ease, and surrender into the stream of life's current, life works out better than we could have ever planned.

But geez, when we're confronted with big changes, it's hard.

It's good to reflect and remember, that letting go and embracing change, has always been just a way for more life to come through. When we let go, we actually meet a truer version of ourselves and the world.

May we be enthused to meet what's underneath our ideas of who we think we are and how we think life's supposed to go.

And take comfort in knowing that as we let go, the essence of who we are remains.

#embracechange #letgo #Faith #upandatem #getyourcoffeegetyourday #thiscoffeeisamazing


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