エル・マクファーソンのインスタグラム(ellemacpherson) - 1月7日 00時55分

Reflecting on 2020... Thank you for giving me a clear view — 20/20 vision. 2020 opened my eyes, opened my heart, opened my mind. I grew my community of beautiful, like-minded souls; grew my understanding of wellness and wellbeing. Never before has our @welleco mission to empower people to own their wellness journey, naturally, been so important and pertinent. Thank you, our wonderful WelleCo tribe, for choosing us to be the foundation of your wellbeing.

This year I witnessed wonder in my life — my eldest son graduated with honors and flourished in life thanks to his own commitment and perseverance and effort: my youngest adapted and thrived through the difficulties of lockdown and was offered a place at a dream college; and our dog healed from cancer through natural protocols thanks to a brilliant vet, confirming my realisation that the body is able to heal itself when given the correct inner and outer environment.

I witnessed communities wake up to their personal truth and highest values, and honour their heartfelt vision. People found peace in simplicity and valuing themselves, each other, community and family. We all saw how much our system needs reviewing and rethinking to value truth, cooperation, freedom, co-creation, and the rise and implementation of meritocracy.

And I learned to value stillness and the importance of establishing balance between doing and being — you can’t see your reflection in running water.
And if you can’t see your reflection, you can't learn about yourself and grow.

I'm so grateful and looking forward to a calm, prosperous and joyous 2021, giving and receiving Love.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



