ジョシュア・デイビット・エバンスのインスタグラム(joshuadtown) - 1月3日 13時41分

I used to grow a beard to cover how bloated my face felt and looked after drinking so much. Then I’d use an app to shrink the width of my face.

Here’s the thing... I was beautifully worthy of life then and I’m beautiful now.

I was unhealthy then... but still worthy. I was still valuable. Regardless of what I looked like in my teens, twenties, or what felt like my prime, I’m still me.

You’re still you. We will all grow and fall... we will all do well and then get discouraged. We will all hustle and then just stop caring about what we hustled for.

REGARDLESS... you’re here. I’m here. I’ve lost loved ones. You have too. I lost me... maybe you did too.

But get up. Get out of bed. Just get up. Get up and enjoy something. That’s life. That is this experience. Getting up and doing it again...

No matter how lost, angry, hopeless, resentful, exhausted, OR BLAHHHHHHH you’re feeling... carry on. Life is a gift.

Understand it’s hardships, learn from them, and pick yourself up... realize your self worth.... and then:


Love you all. Even if you piss me off. Even if I pissed you off. Carry on. Be nice to yourselves. It’s ok to take a moment...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



