フィラデルフィア美術館のインスタグラム(philamuseum) - 12月23日 23時58分

Wanda Gág’s subjects are charmingly familiar—garden vegetables, lamps, shoes by the door. But the vitality of her style makes them vibrate with a palpable intensity, as if drawing itself animates the objects depicted. Ordinary things spring to life in these intimate studies: sunflowers look like embracing figures, squashes seem like swans, and pieces of farm equipment loom over the landscape like towering dinosaurs. In each, drawing enacts an interchange between the artist and the world she inhabits. Learn more about the artist in our online exhibition "Artist in Focus: Wanda Gág."

"Squash and Flowers (study drawing)," around 1926–27, by #WandaGag


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